1:1 Coaching to Confidently Attract Your Ideal Woman

Build Magnetic Confidence With Women

Michaela Chung

My 1:1 Dating Transformation Program for men gives you personalized guidance to boost your sexual appeal and meet and talk to high quality women—no extroversion required.

Dating coaching is ideal for introverted men who want a proven framework to attract women, even if you’re quiet and have little or no dating experience.

Click below to book a private, no-cost Dating Strategy Session to discuss if this program is right for you.

Attract Great Women, Even If You're Quiet

dating for shy women

This 12-week men’s dating coaching program helps you boost your natural magnetism to attract great women. You’ll also receive mindset, conversation, texting and style guidance to confidently connect with the right women.

This program works…

Even if you’ve tried to meet women on your own and failed…

Even if you get inside your head and overthink like crazy on dates…

Even if you struggle to know what to say to women you like…

In fact, most of my 1:1 dating clients have faced all of the above.

Dating Transformation Program

Here are the stages I’ll guide you through:



  • Gain clarity and come up with a personalized strategy to meet women.


  • Map out your ideal woman and discover how to attract her naturally.


  • Craft a compelling online profile and receive more meaningful matches.



  • Conquer self-defeating thoughts and beliefs that’ve been holding you back.


  • Receive high level tools to get out of your head and feel more confident with women.


  • Master easy habits and lifestyle changes that will attract women naturally.



  • Amplify your introvert attraction factors and boost your natural masculinity.


  • Master mindsets to confidently approach women, even if you’re afraid of rejection.


  • Shift your vibe and become more sexually attractive to amazing women.



  • Practice interesting, fun conversations that create a spark on a first date and beyond.


  • Master magnetic body language that draws a woman in without trying too hard.


  • Initiate touch and create physical intimacy in a way that feels natural.

    How Dating Coaching Works

    Michaela Chung

    The Dating Transformation Program is a 12-week program with online training modules and 1:1 coaching.

    During the 12-week timeframe you’ll receive 10 training modules to start transforming your dating life right away.

    You’ll also receive 9 private coaching sessions and 3×15-minute accountability calls from a mentor who’s worked with dozens of men like you.

    Click below to book a private session to find out if this program is right for you.

    What My Client's Have to Say

    With Michaela’s coaching I was able to gain the confidence and game plan to pursue the right women for me and find my wife! Even though it was a pandemic, Michaela helped me to meet my first girlfriend who I have just recently married. I have no doubt that Michaela helped me make this happen. One of the most valuable things I gained from coaching was learning how to have longer, more interesting and flirtatious conversations with women.

    Toby B.

    I have been amazed at how quickly things have manifested in my life by following her advice. I started by using Michaela’s system that showed me how to become a more naturally attractive person. When I took her advice and went to a meeting of like-minded people, I was approached by a beautiful young woman and we immediately engaged in a heartfelt conversation. I am now in the process of getting to know what an awesome woman she is.

    Peter B.

    My specific results were that by the third month I had women coming into my life who were what I considered to be ideal. Michaela also gave me excellent practical coaching with regard to dating. Everything from conversation starters to style advice was covered and she knows what she’s talking about. I actually met N in late January, 2020 and we dated all through the pandemic. I proposed to her over the summer and we’re now happily married!

    Travis P.

    After years of therapy it’s been life-changing to finally work with someone who understands my introversion. When we first started coaching, I felt stuck in a dating rut, talking to women online, but rarely dating in real life. Michaela helped me to be more attractive and desirable to women. I now have a stronger sense of self and I feel more confident flirting with women. Michaela also helped me to stop procrastinating, and overthinking, and follow through on my goals.
    Douglas L.

    I’ve gotten a lot better at flirting and understanding women’s signals. I’m also more comfortable with my sexuality and conveying interest instead of hiding. Coaching gave me the strategies and courage to initiate conversations with several women, including a woman I’ve now gone on two dates with so far. On the dates the conversation flowed and I found myself overthinking less and just having fun. The only thing I would’ve done differently is sign up for coaching years ago (I’m in my 60s), but better late than never! 

    Meet Your Mentor

    Michaela Chung is the author of  The Irresistible Introvert and The Year of the Introvert and creator of, a website that has reached over 7 million people. Her work has been featured in Forbes, CBC, The Globe and Mail, Chicago Tribune, HuffPost and more. She has helped hundreds of introverted students and clients to build magnetic confidence and find love.

    Still Not Sure?

    If you’re thinking…

    • I can figure this out on my own.
    • It might be uncomfortable talking on the phone.
    • I’m not sure if I want 1:1 coaching.

    Here are some things to know about the no-cost Dating Strategy Session.

    It will help give you clarity.
    You’ll receive insights and action steps to move forward.

    I guide the call.
    I’ll have questions prepared to get a better understanding of your dating challenges and goals.

    I’ll share the best options for YOU.
    The reason why my clients see such tremendous results is because of the strict filtering process I have during the client selection process.

    Don’t worry though, if you’re not a good fit to work together further, I won’t leave you hanging.

    I’ll give you the proper guidance to see results on your own until you’re ready to become a client.

    This call is perfect for you if you’re fed up with overthinking, dating burnout and rejection.

    It’s also for you if you’ve tried to piece together dating advice on your own, but got overwhelmed and gave up.

    If you have other questions, you can email me at