How To Master Small Talk Naturally
Even If You’re Introverted & Shy
Do you think small talk sucks?
Well, I agree. But here’s the thing.
Most small talk goes nowhere because people fall prey to all the biggest small talk mistakes.
As an introvert, this is especially painful because you crave meaningful conversation.
Mindless chit chat bores you. Not only that.
It completely drains your precious energy. Then you’re the one who feels guilty for not being able to talk about pointless topics for hours on end.
You’re left feeling misunderstood, and awkward.
You might also miss out on things. After all, small talk seems to be the golden ticket to so many amazing opportunities …
Chatting up your crush without feeling awkward and tongue-tied…
Making real friendship so you can STOP constantly meeting new people…
Getting that promotion at work, because, as unfair as it is, likability is a huge factor…
Having good relationships with your coworkers, so you can feel more comfortable at work events…
Small talk is the key to all of the above, right??
Small talk in its most common form will NOT get you very far. As an introvert, it will usually just lead to frustration and depleted energy stores.
SMART small talk can be the magic ingredient for curing most of your social woes. You might be wondering …
What is smart small talk?
Smart small talk uses interesting questions, bridge statements, and thoughtful responses to drive the conversation to more meaningful topics.
Smart small talk creates true connections, instead of just wasting time.
Smart small talk uses the creative side of your brain to show your true personality, tell jokes, and feel more relaxed.
Smart small talk gives you confidence to chat up those you secretly admire without freezing up and having no clue what to say.
In my Small Talk Quickies Masterclass, you get everything you need to master smart small talk in a day, even if you’re an introvert like me!
Before I tell you how this workshop will change the way you make conversation forever…
I should tell you that there is a reason why this course has “Quickies” in the name.
I know I have a lot of fellow nerds out there who just love to study everything and use themselves as guinea pigs like me.
BUT I wanted to make this Masterclass as fast and done-for-you as possible.
So, it contains everything you need to master small talk in a day…
PLUS bonus materials to help you get better and better long after the class ends.
So, it’s perfect for you if you’re someone who worries about buying courses, and never finishing them. Or getting overwhelmed by too much material.
The 2-Hour Small Talk Quickies Masterclass (Recording) Gives You:
- Go-to icebreakers to ease into any conversation without anxiety
- Done-for-you phrases to breeze through small talk
- Interesting questions to spark meaningful conversations
- Easy bridge statements to take the conversation to more interesting topics
- Intelligent conversation tools to sidestep the most common small talk obstacles: awkward silences, overthinking, interrupting extroverts
- A small talk prep checklist to be ready for your next social event
- A small talk quickies MP3 to strengthen your conversation muscles on the go
- A workbook containing exercises and scripts to become a small talk ninja in no time
- Limited time bonus: Networking for Introverts Training

Master Small Talk Now For $115
Case Studies
At Work:
“Thanks for the small talk masterclass. I took the advice from it and the best thing now is that I am now the most popular person at work and I can connect with people outside of work. It is like I can meet any new person and make them feel comfortable and interested in me.” – Keith Hawkins
With coworkers:
“I was very surprised when I yesterday could turn a very tense social situation to a warm and heartwarming one. I followed your advice and my colleague became a lot more at ease with me and we laughed and had a really good time! At the end of the day she even hugged me and we thanked each other for a really nice day! I didn’t even share deep personal stuff.” – Helena Skagerlid
At a BBQ:
“The conversation ignitors were put into practice at a recent Labor Day Barbecue. While I do like meeting new people, the whole experience of socializing can be exhausting to say the least. At this barbecue, I found myself much more present and grounded. I was able to interact with those present without becoming overwhelmed, overloaded. I had some great conversations that night, was able to expand upon initial introductions, using what the other person stated and go from there.” – Amy L.
Will This Work for Me?
The Small Talk Quickies steps work, even if you’re quiet and often get tongue-tied in conversation.
They work, even if you feel totally inhibited and awkward around new people.
They work, even if you’ve been told you’re too serious and ‘in your head’.
THEY WORK if you’re an introvert through and through like me. Period.
Here’s what’s inside:
- A 2-hour video training to master small talk in your own introverted way
- A workbook with exercises to start having interesting conversations right away
- Lifetime access to all workshop materials
- A small talk mp3 to listen to on the way to social events
Don’t let one more minute pass stuck in small talk dead-ends. Click below to join now.
Master Small Talk Now For $115
It is possible to transform small talk into interesting conversations.
Imagine how it will feel to always know what to say when you’re meeting someone new.
Whether you want to improve those dreaded get-to-know-you chats, or have better conversations with colleagues and dates, Small Talk Quickies will give you exactly what you need to do it.
And it’s easier than you think.
With the introvert-specific steps and scripts I clearly outline in the workshop recording, you’ll know exactly what to do to master small talk faster.
Saying YES to mastering small talk could be the difference between staying stuck in boring conversation dead-ends VERSUS confidently talking to anyone.
“I really got a lot out of the course. I learned from all of the webinars. You really understand all the problems introverts struggle with (introvert energy, giving yourself permission to end a conversation). Thanks for creating that course.” – Amy V.
“I have been trying to use the jump-off points in conversation, and it works, I don’t have to worry about how to respond to when someone tells me something. My brain feels more relaxed, and I feel more at ease in conversation. My consultant said that I have improved comparing to when we first met. I have a warm greeting, I speak louder, and express more. I think this course has inspired and helped me.” – Jenny L.
“You changed assumptions that I thought were right but in fact were wrong. I used to feel that I needed to share deep personal things about myself in order to join the conversion. But turns out this isn’t the case and realizing this makes it much, much easier to build “social fruit” and feel less awkward in conversations.” – Nicola
“I have been trying to use the jump-off points in conversation, and it works, I don’t have to worry about how to respond to when someone tells me something. My brain feels more relaxed, and I feel more at ease in conversation. And one celebration I have to share with you is my consultant said that I have improved comparing to when we first and second met. I have a warm greeting, I speak louder, and express more. I think this course has inspired and helped me.” – Jenny L. Macau