introvert depression anxiety

Today’s post is written by clinical psychologist and speaker Michael Alcee, Ph.D.

If you’re an introvert, you’ve probably felt anxious or depressed and haven’t known why. You may have even been given these labels by others to help make sense of your experience.

While well-intentioned, this advice isn’t always helpful and may actually leave you confused and disappointed: ‘You mean there’s more that I have to deal with than just being an introvert?’

The sneaky reason for introvert depression and anxiety

For many introverts, anxiety and depression is the effect and not the cause. Wait, what??

On the surface, it’s easy for you, family, friends, and even counselors to think that anxiety or depression is your primary issue. If we zoom in closer, What really causes problems is not being tuned in to how you work best as an introvert. There’s a big difference!

Many introverts are anxious because they get so drained by social stimuli. Modern society makes it hard for introverts to find naturally available recharging spots to regroup.

It’s confusing to feel so different and even worse to be so often misunderstood by extroverted friends, family, significant others, teachers, and colleagues.

Why suppression leads to introvert depression

Introverts get depressed because they automatically suppress their natural style and feelings.

They do this to fit the expectations of others and our largely extroverted society. They easily lose touch with who they are from the inside-out, and mistakenly buy into society’s old scripts of them as loners or wallflowers.

Both of these conspire to form the lion’s share of anxiety and depression for so many introverts. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

In today’s video, I’ll talk about how you can move beyond your anxiety and depression as an introvert, kick start your self-worth, and feel like a ‘somebody’ again!


introvert depressionMichael Alcee, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist based in Tarrytown, NY. He specializes in working with individuals who have introverted traits, those who are ‘highly sensitive’, and those with obsessive-compulsive disorder. His practice is geared toward helping all of his clients expand their creative potential and illuminating the relational patterns that lead to an expansion of fulfillment and well-being. He loves to talk and give keynotes at organizations, schools, libraries, etc. about the link between introversion and mental health. Visit his website: