Are Extroverts Better Than Introverts?

Are Extroverts Better Than Introverts?

Sometimes when I tell people that I work with introverts, I get this super irritating response: “Do you help them become extroverts?” “No,” I say. “I help them to embrace their introversion and learn how to play to their...
Why Introverts Fear Making a Good First Impression

Why Introverts Fear Making a Good First Impression

Being an introvert in an extrovert’s world can be very confusing. There are many hidden fears and strange ‘introvertisms’ that even we don’t understand. One that keeps coming up, as I hear from thousands of introverted readers, is the fear of making a good first...
6 Ways Introverts Sabotage Their Happiness

6 Ways Introverts Sabotage Their Happiness

There are a lot of ways that introverts might sabotage our own happiness. Why would we do this? Well, at the root of the problem is a lack of self-love. When we don’t love ourselves, we start to treat ourselves as the enemy.  What do you do, or want to do to...
7 Things to Avoid When Dating Introvert Girls

7 Things to Avoid When Dating Introvert Girls

It’s said that opposites attract. But in the case when one partner is extraverted, open, cheerful, and active, and the other is introverted, deeply thinking, and inclined to delve into himself, such relationships may mean difficulties in communication, or, because of...