7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert

7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert

Do you feel like you don’t get enough respect? A lot of introverts feel underestimated and disrespected by colleagues and friends. Perhaps, at work you’re interrupted and talked over in meetings. Your more extroverted coworker gets all the praise even...
How to Be Quiet and Confident as an Introvert

How to Be Quiet and Confident as an Introvert

Every introvert has been asked, “why are you so quiet?” The implication is that quiet is bad or wrong. It’s equated with weakness, meekness, and an overall lack of confidence. But that’s not always the case. Introverts aren’t necessarily...
How to Have a Warm Personality as an Introvert

How to Have a Warm Personality as an Introvert

If you’re an introvert whose been told that you come off as “cold’, “aloof”, or “unemotional”, I understand how frustrating these comments can be.Just because you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, doesn’t mean...