Do you feel like you don’t get enough respect? A lot of introverts feel underestimated and disrespected by colleagues and friends.
Perhaps, at work you’re interrupted and talked over in meetings. Your more extroverted coworker gets all the praise even though you have the better ideas.
Or maybe friends and acquaintances walk all over you, expecting you to do tons of favours for them. But when you need help they’re suddenly MIA.
It can be so frustrating to have your intelligence and AWESOMENESS taken for granted by those around you—especially when you know what a difference more respect would make.
More respect means…
- More opportunities to advance in your career.
- A better self-image—you hold your head up higher.
- Improved relationships because you let go of resentment.
- Less energy wasted on worrying what others think.
Luckily, gaining more respect is easier than you might think. In fact, one simple shift can make a HUGE difference.
The key is to stop focusing so much on yourself. As an introvert, it’s natural to want to self-reflect (and perhaps ruminate just a smidge ;).
But focusing too much on your own thoughts and worries actually blocks you from shining and getting respect. Keep reading for more easy shifts.
7 ways to get respect as an introvert
Inspire others
This goes along with shifting your focus towards other people. Ask yourself, how can I help/motivate/inspire the people in my life?
Stop apologizing
If there are two demographics that apologize way too much it’s women and introverts. Sure, apologize if you’ve hurt someone, but never apologize for your needs, desires and who you are.
Live your values
Two of the most respectable qualities are authenticity and reliability. When you live your values regardless of what others think, people take notice.
Be proactive
It can feel comfortable to take on a more passive approach as an introvert. That’s ok, but to gain more respect try increasing your proactiveness. Take the lead and anticipate people’s needs.
Be decisive
Wishy washiness in speech and action can make you appear less confident. Make clear decisions and TRUST your choices so that other people have faith in you too.
Follow through
The person who consistently does what they say they will do naturally gets respect. Whenever possible, keep your promises to yourself and others.
Learn to say no
Say no without guilt AND without an edge of defensiveness. When you feel like it’s your right to say no, you can do so without being triggered.
As I tell all my students and clients, start small. Focus on one or two of the above tips at a time and see it as a fun experiment.
More respect isn’t something that needs to be demanded, or even necessarily earned. It’s the natural consequence of a) knowing who you are, b) BEING who you are without apology, and c) helping others to do the same.
When you gain more respect (including self-respect) it’s a win, win, win!
For more tools to feel more self-assured, grab my free Introvert Confidence Lessons.

If you’re new to the blog, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Michaela Chung, author of The Irresistible Introvert and The Year of The Introvert, and creator of this amazing innie community we have here. For several years, I’ve been building up a labyrinth of introvert resources that will take you on a magical journey toward more confidence, connection, and self-love. Start with this free Introvert Connection Guide.
Hi Michaela,
Stumbled on your blog today and I love it already. I’m a fellow introvert. This article “7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert” is awesome. Thanks for sharing