Tips for Proposing to an Introvert

Tips for Proposing to an Introvert

Proposing to your better half is is never an easy task. It can be especially tricky if your special someone is an introvert. Before you head out to plan a big and crowded proposal, stop and put yourself in an introvert’s shoes. Introverts tend to be reluctant to be in...
Tips for Introverts Starting a Home Business

Tips for Introverts Starting a Home Business

Although  entrepreneurs are classically extroverts, the business world has many introverted leaders who are moving and shaking things across the globe. One of the most famous examples is Bill Gates. “If you’re clever, you can learn to reap the benefits of being...
Awesome Games for Introverts

Awesome Games for Introverts

“Okay, I want you to get into pairs and set-up for this next training drill” For the introverted sports fan, that’s one of the worst sentences in the world to hear when you finally take the brave move to join a new sports team. Let’s be honest, joining a sports team...
An Introvert’s Take On Communal Sporting Events

An Introvert’s Take On Communal Sporting Events

As you’re likely aware even if you want nothing to do with sports, there are certain sporting events now and then that seem to capture the attention of the whole world – or at least most of it. Major championships, or tournaments involving international...