5 Reasons to Try Dating By Personality Type

5 Reasons to Try Dating By Personality Type

People often think online dating is easier for introverts, because it allows us to begin connecting from the comfort of home. This may be true, but even when using what are considered the best dating apps, introverts face major challenges.  Energy drain,...
Online Dating For Introverts

Online Dating For Introverts

Introverts have so many strong suits, according to Psychology Today, including their self-awareness and  capacity to amuse themselves while they’re alone. But introverts who play the online dating game may need a few tips to boost the odds of success. ...
Yes, Introverts Do Make Great Psychologists

Yes, Introverts Do Make Great Psychologists

Renowned American author Susan Cain says, “There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.” As an introvert, you may find that your introversion is often confused with shyness or snootiness. You may also find yourself constantly...
Hiking Solo As Therapy – Tips for Introverts

Hiking Solo As Therapy – Tips for Introverts

Being surrounded by people during weekdays can be extremely draining for introverts. Not many people can truly understand that introverts need to spend quality time alone so they can restore their energy and thrive.  Finding balance within the money-making and...
The Introvert’s Guide to Staying in Shape

The Introvert’s Guide to Staying in Shape

People often don’t truly understand how crucial it is for introverts to have some “me” time. They thrive in their solitude. The fact that they gain energy from being alone rather than going out within people may make staying in shape difficult. Especially...