How An Introvert Stopped Trying To Fix Herself

How An Introvert Stopped Trying To Fix Herself

Dear Innie Friend, I have a confession. There have been many times in my life when I have wished that there was a cure for my introversion. I wanted to be able to surround myself with people all the time, without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I was seduced by the...
The Top 5 Ways To Annoy An INFJ

The Top 5 Ways To Annoy An INFJ

INFJs are not easy to annoy. We are peaceful by default and natural born diplomats. Our tolerance levels are off the charts … most of the time. Even though INFJs can put up with a lot, some annoying moments can utterly overwhelm us. Our pet peeves are especially...
How To Explain Your Introverted Personality To Others

How To Explain Your Introverted Personality To Others

Let’s face it, a lot of people don’t understand us introverts. For many extroverts, the introverted personality makes about as much sense as Snapchat does to my grandma. Even fellow introverts might be confused about what it means to be introverted. With all the...
How Empaths Can Heal From The US Election

How Empaths Can Heal From The US Election

If you’re an empath like me, you are feeling the effects of the recent US election right now. As you already know, the 2016 US election was a non-stop train wreck of nastiness that left the country shocked, fearful, and divided. As a highly sensitive empath, you not...
Why INFJs Love The Rain So Much

Why INFJs Love The Rain So Much

I’m an INFJ, and as long as I can remember, rain was always a source of inspiration for me. It makes me feel calm, relaxed, and happy. It turns out that I’m not the only INFJ who feels this way. There are many reasons why our INFJ personality is drawn to...