How to Make Interesting Conversation as an Introvert

How to Make Interesting Conversation as an Introvert

Are you an introvert who hates small talk? Although you might despise mindless chit chat, you may not know how to make conversation in a way that creates connection. You wonder how to go from handshake to heart-to-heart in a short amount of time. After all, introverts...
How to Open Up and Let People In

How to Open Up and Let People In

Opening up can be hard for introverts. Given the current circumstances in the world, it may feel even more challenging to know how to let people in. But there are simple ways to let someone in even if you normally take a long time to open up. And, yes, even during a...
Why You Can’t Establish Genuine Connections

Why You Can’t Establish Genuine Connections

Forming genuine, long-lasting friendships can be rare as an adult. You may feel like you can’t emotionally connect with anyone—let alone make deep, lasting friendships. Of course, it’s not entirely your fault. We live in a society that makes it all too easy to...
7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert

7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert

Do you feel like you don’t get enough respect? A lot of introverts feel underestimated and disrespected by colleagues and friends. Perhaps, at work you’re interrupted and talked over in meetings. Your more extroverted coworker gets all the praise even...