Introvert Stories

Introvert Stories

Every so often, I get really sick of reading my own writing, and I begin brainstorming new ways to write and connect – or not write and connect.  This is one such occasion. It’s too late to do a video, or write a new ebook, or make a survey, so …...
The Introvert’s Way to Finding Your Purpose

The Introvert’s Way to Finding Your Purpose

In a world where cookie-cutter living is the norm, forging your own path can be a frightening endeavour.  This is true for both introverts and extroverts.  The good news for introverts is that we have a few distinct advantages when it comes to finding our truth path...
3 Essential Introvert Communication Tips

3 Essential Introvert Communication Tips

Introverts are often interpreted badly and their more quiet nature is misunderstood as being aloof, uncaring, judging, and snobbish. When we need time alone to recharge, people around us may feel we are pulling away from them, ignoring them, or abandoning them, if our...