10 Warning Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

10 Warning Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

A lot of introverts struggle with anxiety. It turns out that even those of us who think we’re calm cucumbers might have something called “high functioning anxiety”. High functioning anxiety, which is not a mental health diagnosis, but a catch phrase to describe people...


Introverts struggle with specific insecurities that many people don’t understand. These secret insecurities can be very painful, especially when you feel like you’re the only one who has these struggles. That’s exactly how I used to feel. I thought that I was a big...
This is so hard for introverts

This is so hard for introverts

Does anyone else find this scenario really annoying? You walk into a cafe, kindle in tow, in the hopes of having a nice warm drink and nibbling on some fiction. But when you get there, electronic music blasts from the speakers. You sit and wonder whose brilliant idea...
An Introvert’s Strange Behavior Decoded

An Introvert’s Strange Behavior Decoded

Here’s the thing about introverts. A lot of people don’t understand our ‘strange’ behavior. Instead of trying to understand, they usually make assumptions that are way off base. I don’t really blame them. People see the world through the lens of their own experiences....
Feeling Anxious? 6 Tips to Stop Worrying

Feeling Anxious? 6 Tips to Stop Worrying

When you spend as much time inside your head as we introverts do, your mind starts to turn against you. It begins to fixate, and ruminate. No matter how much you tell yourself to stop worrying, you can’t shake the feeling that something is amiss. After all, worrying...
Introvert: Closed for Mental Repairs

Introvert: Closed for Mental Repairs

Do you ever feel like you are mentally and emotionally done and done, with a side of done? If you’re a sensitive introvert like me, I have a feeling that you’ve experienced mental burnout more than once. And you know it ain’t pretty. As introverts, we’re easily...