Why Alone Doesn’t Have To Mean Lonely

Why Alone Doesn’t Have To Mean Lonely

  The cultural ideal of extroversion, according to The Guardian, is evident in Western society. This includes every setting from school, where students are “repeatedly encouraged to join group activities, even if they would prefer not to,” to later...

Why introverts get supporting roles

Being an introvert is not synonymous with being a wallflower.  Despite what Hollywood might tell you, introverts can be heroes.  We can be leading ladies and knights in shining armor.  We don’t always have to play the part of “supporting character”, “best friend”, or...

15 Signs it’s time to leave the house

We introverts relish our alone time, but we don’t like to be alone all the time.  There comes a point when we need to bust out of the house and do some mixin’ n minglin’.  So, how can we be sure that it’s time to venture out from our castle? Read on to discover 15...