5 Surprising Ways To Refuel as an INFJ

5 Surprising Ways To Refuel as an INFJ

As INFJs, we often feel guilty for our need to refocus and refuel alone. After a long day of interacting, communicating, and exerting energy towards others, we long to be at rest with ourselves and our thoughts. Unfortunately, this need is often met with shame and...
Harnessing Your INFJ Intuition

Harnessing Your INFJ Intuition

INFJ intuition – how to follow and listen to it when making decisions Intuition is an INFJ’s greatest strength and yet we often lose touch with it as we try to fit in. In a world that constantly tells us to follow the crowd, INFj’s can easily lose their...
Why INFJs Procrastinate + How To Stop The Cycle

Why INFJs Procrastinate + How To Stop The Cycle

Do you complete things at the last minute? I do and always have. Whether homework, essays, and project deliverables. I usually complete it at the very last minute. This is not because i’m disorganized or lazy but rather it’s the way a lot of introverts...