How to Deal With Introvert Overstimulation

How to Deal With Introvert Overstimulation

Boy am I feeling overstimulated today! As a fellow introvert, I’m sure you can relate to the feeling. My brain is scattered and I find it hard to concentrate. Everyday tasks seem way more daunting because I’m already overwhelmed. The reason I’m feeling...
How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed while socializing that you just wanted to run and hide? A lot of introverts struggle with social overwhelm, especially during this time of year when there is so much going on. Trust me when I say that I am painfully familiar with this...
INTROVERT OVERWHELM: 3 Key Steps To Stop The Cycle

INTROVERT OVERWHELM: 3 Key Steps To Stop The Cycle

When you’re an introvert like me, you spend a lot of time feeling overwhelmed. Who can blame you? Introvert overwhelm is a natural side effect of being an introvert in an extrovert’s world. As an introvert, you are more easily overstimulated by things like noise,...
Introvert: How To Avoid Introvert Overwhelm

Introvert: How To Avoid Introvert Overwhelm

One of the biggest challenges introverts face is feeling overwhelmed by the things that extroverts handle with ease.  Running errands, meeting new people, and engaging in small talk are just a few examples of activities that can feel overwhelming for introverts. It’s...