The top 10 advantages of being an introvert

If there’s anything the world should take away from best selling books like The Introvert Advantage and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, it’s that there are definite positives to being an introvert. We are quietly crawling out of the...

Finding your social niche as an introvert

All introverts know how it feels to stand on the sidelines and be the silent observer.  We regularly find ourselves on the outside looking in.  Sometimes keeping our distance is a personal preference.  Sometimes it’s not. The truth is, we often want to engage and...

15 Introvert Myths Busted!

  1. We’re shy Shyness is a fear of social interactions that has nothing to do with introversion.  Introverts avoid socializing because it drains our energy.  Shy people avoid socializing out of fear.  Both introverts and extroverts can be shy. 2. We...
Why introverts often feel guilty

Why introverts often feel guilty

  “Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.” -Susan Cain Introverts spend a great deal of time and energy feeling guilty.  We worry that we’re breaking the unwritten rules that are largely designed by and...
The Definition of an Introvert

The Definition of an Introvert

The defining characteristic of introverts is that we draw energy from being alone.  Social interactions and overly stimulating environments drain us. Every introvert has a unique personality, but there are some key traits most of us share. Most Common Introvert Traits...