3 Essential Introvert Communication Tips

3 Essential Introvert Communication Tips

Introverts are often interpreted badly and their more quiet nature is misunderstood as being aloof, uncaring, judging, and snobbish. When we need time alone to recharge, people around us may feel we are pulling away from them, ignoring them, or abandoning them, if our...
What Every Introvert Secretly Wants

What Every Introvert Secretly Wants

As introverts, we aren’t usually interested in drawing a lot of attention to ourselves.  But that doesn’t mean that we don’t want to be seen.  In fact, most of us desperately want to feel seen, heard and understood – even if only by one person....
The Real Reason Why Introverts Are So Quiet

The Real Reason Why Introverts Are So Quiet

Most introverts hear the phrase, “you’re so quiet” countless times.  People love to point out our wordless ways.  As a matter of fact, just this past week, someone said to me “You know, you’re a really quiet girl.” Yes, I know. This...