by Michaela | Feb 26, 2014 |
Many introverts have received the message that they need to change. We’ve been told that introversion is not the norm. It’s strange to be quiet. It’s weird to want to stay home alone on a Saturday night. And it’s downright unimaginable that we could like people and...
by Michaela | Jan 22, 2014 |
We’ve all heard it before – self-acceptance is the cornerstone of a happy life. Not so hard to believe, right? Except that for most people, self-acceptance is something we think we have to earn. We believe that we will only be able to fully accept ourselves once we...
by Michaela | Jan 7, 2014 |
As humans, we are naturally inclined to care what other people think. We want to be liked, loved and accepted. If we can’t get people to accept us for who we are, we are often more than willing to gain acceptance for who we aren’t. For introverts, this can mean...
by Michaela | May 13, 2013 |
In recent years, there has been more and more talk about introversion. Several articles, websites, YouTube videos and books about introverts have surfaced. And they have been received with surprising enthusiasm. So, what’s all the fuss about? Why have books like...