books for introverts

Welcome to my detailed list of the top books for introverts!

If you’re an introverted book lover like me, you know the anguish of not having anything good to read. A lack of good books can be especially painful during lazy summer days, when all you want to do is sit in the shade and swim through the pages of a great book. Ay, but there’s a rub.

It’s hard to know what to read. We all have our own taste when it comes to books. No matter what your personal palate for literature, I think you’ll get a lot out of the books for introverts I recommend here. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength

By Laurie Helgoe

Of all the books for introverts, Introvert Power is definitely my favorite. It’s written with such compassion, and color you’ll want to drink up every word. At nearly 300 pages, it’s also comprehensive. Here’s just a little taste of what you’ll find in Introvert Power:

“As an introvert, you can be your own best friend or your worst enemy. The good news is we generally like our own company, a quality that extroverts often envy. We find comfort in solitude and know how to soothe ourselves. Even our willingness to look at ourselves critically is often helpful.”

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

By Susan Cain

This book has been a game changer for countless introverts all over the world. It served as a major catalyst for the introvert revolution, which continues to gain speed to this day. In Quiet, former Wall Street lawyer Susan Cain creates a strong case for introversion, and all the strengths that come with it. Here is one of my favorite quotes from Quiet:

“The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some, it’s a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk. Use your natural powers — of persistence, concentration, and insight — to do work you love and work that matters. Solve problems. make art, think deeply.”

The Irresistible Introvert: Harness The Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud World

By Michaela Chung

I may be introverted, but I never said I was modest! Please excuse the sneaky book plug, but I really do believe that my book baby The Irresistible Introvert will inspire you to embrace and express your introversion in new and fulfilling ways. This book is packed with insights, stories, and practical steps to develop charisma, confidence, and self-love in your own introverted way. Here’s a little sample from The Irresistible Introvert, which is available most places books are sold:

“Sometimes, we do want to take a little road trip into extrovert territory. But we would like to be able to pick and choose our extroverted endeavors. Ideally, we would approach life like a buffet, helping ourselves to a small side of meet and greet, a healthy dollop of deep thought, and a sprinkling of social fluff. No one would judge or criticize what we put on our plate. They would let us have our slice of solitude, and eat it too. This is not how it goes for most introverts. Instead, we are deemed inferior the moment we navigate away from the extrovert’s definition of normal.”

The Highly Sensitive Person

By Elaine Aron

Not all introverts are highly sensitive, BUT about 70% of HSPs are introverts. This makes the HSP/introvert combination surprisingly common. In this treasure of a book, Aron offers practical tools and insights for surviving and thriving as an HSP. The below quote from The Highly Sensitive Person will probably have you nodding your head in agreement:

“We are a package deal, however. Our trait of sensitivity means we will also be cautious, inward, needing extra time alone. Because people without the trait (the majority) do not understand that, they see us as timid, shy, weak, or that greatest sin of all, unsociable. Fearing these labels, we try to be like others. But that leads to our becoming overaroused and distressed. Then that gets us labeled neurotic or crazy, first by others and then by ourselves.”

The Awakened Introvert:Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You Maximize Your Strengths and Thrive in a Loud and Crazy World

By Dr. Arnie Kozak

Have you noticed that mindfulness is all the rage nowadays? For good reason. Mindfulness, and other zen practices, are a great way for introverts to cultivate and conserve energy. They’re also the perfect solution for introverts who overthink. Both workbook, and guide, The Awakened Introvert offers clear steps to manage your energy, navigate social landscapes, and achieve happiness in your own introverted way. Here’s just a snippet of the amazing insights you’ll find in the book:

“The ultimate introvert coping skill is to become fascinated with the extrovert. If you can bring interest to your perception, it will replace aversion. You can treat the extroverts in your life with awe, curiosity, and even a bit of envy – ‘How do they do that!'”

Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture

By Adam S. McHugh

Okay, so this one might not be applicable to every introvert. But it is a must-read for introverts who are active in a Christian church. Having once been a devout Christian myself (I was heavily involved in a large Pentecostal church in high school), I know what a lifesaver this book will be for many Christian introverts out there. McHugh’s words offer a kind of redemption to any introvert who has ever felt marginalized by extrovert-biased church culture. The below quote from Introverts in the Church makes me want to cheer “amen!”.

“Introverted seekers need introverted evangelists. It’s not that extroverts can’t communicate the gospel, either verbally or nonverbally, in ways that introverts find appealing, it’s that introverted seekers need to know and see that it’s possible to lead the Christian life as themselves. It’s imperative for them to understand that becoming a Christian is not tantamount with becoming an extrovert.”

Communication Toolkit For Introverts

By Patricia Weber

This book is a real treasure for any introvert who wants to improve their communication skills, particularly at work. Weber addresses all the situations that would normally make introverts feel uncomfortable, including presentations, networking, negotiating, and selling. Each chapter begins with a self-assessment and then goes on to offer practical, research-based strategies to master important communication skills . Here is a quote from the Communication Toolkit For Introverts:

“Your greatest power in communicating lies in your awareness of the how and what of differences. Once we are aware of how an extrovert communicates differently to an introvert, we can either make a conscious choice to modify our style to be more like theirs or accept those differences.”

The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World

By Sophia Dembling

No list of books for introverts would be complete without The Introvert’s Way. This little book shatters misconceptions about introversion and offers validation for quieter personalities. If you enjoy Dembling’s tongue-and-cheek articles on The Introvert’s Corner on the Psychology Today website, you’ll love The Introvert’s Way. I think the below quote from the book is spot-on. Would you agree?

“One of the risks of being quiet is that the other people can fill your silence with their own interpretation: You’re bored. You’re depressed. You’re shy. You’re stuck up. You’re judgemental. When others can’t read us, they write their own story—not always one we choose or that’s true to who we are.”

The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World

By Marti Olsen Laney

This is one of the best books for introverts interested in exploring their inner workings, or for extroverts who want to understand us better. The Introvert Advantage addresses all the key areas of introvert life, including relationships, socializing, parenting, and work. Olsen also illustrates how biochemistry is the reason for many of the differences between introverts and extroverts. Here’s a quote from the parenting chapter in The Introvert Advantage:

“Introverted children may not be as demonstrative as extroverted children. They love and value you, but they may not talk about it as much. Accept your temperament and your child’s. They can’t be changed. Both of you have wonderful qualities to contribute to your family and to the world.”

Personality Plus: How To Understand Others by Understanding Yourself

By Florence Littauer

Personality Plus isn’t a book for introverts per se. But if you love learning about yourself (which most introverts do), this book will both entertain, and enlighten you. Littauer describes the four main personality types (Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, or Peaceful Phlegmatic), and how to determine your dominant type. In addition to helping you understand yourself, it will also give you insight into the personalities of people you work and live with. The below quote from Personality Plus summarizes the four types well:

“God made each one of us different, so we could function in our own roles. He made some of us to be feet—to move, administer, to accomplish, like Powerful Choleric. He made some of us to be minds—to think deeply, to feel, to write, like Perfect Melancholy. He made some of us to be hands—to serve, to smooth, to soothe, like Peaceful Phlegmatic. He made some of us to be mouths—to talk, to teach, to encourage, like Popular Sanguine.”

I hope you found something that you fancy in my list of books for introverts. Please feel free to share some of your favorite introvert books in the comments below. 

Happy reading to you, Innie Friend! 😉

