Introverts are more likely than extroverts to experience depression and anxiety, Psychology Today reports. Robert McPeek, director of research at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, suggests this is probably because introverts are more critical (yet also more realistic) about themselves than extroverts.
Moreover, introverts may also be prone to anxiety in hectic situations as they typically become overstimulated more easily. Turning your home into a sanctuary can therefore be an effective way of taking care of your mental health, aiding relaxation, and getting away from the stress of everyday life.
Create a zen zone
Carve out a specific area in your home solely dedicated to relaxation — whether it’s in your bathroom, bedroom, living room, walk-in closet, or porch. Having a designated zen zone will make it easier for you to cultivate a daily habit of rest and relaxation. You can also enhance the space with cosy, comforting items.
For example, a few thoughtfully-chosen cushions can add style and comfort to your sofa. Ideally, avoid overwhelming the space with too many cushions; opting for just a few in a variety of sizes and textures will add enough depth and interest. Or, if your zen zone is in your bathroom, you can use candles to create a luxurious bath or shower experience. Washing your towels and putting them in the dryer can also keep them soft and smelling fresh.
Pay attention to lighting
Lighting plays a key role in your mood and energy levels. In one recent study, researchers found that people with windows in their office slept better and for longer (46 minutes more per night on average), exercised more, and enjoyed a greater sense of health and wellbeing than people whose offices lacked windows.
It’s thought exposure to natural light helps your body maintain its natural circadian rhythm, so you feel more awake and energetic during the day and sleepy at night. So, every morning, be sure to open up your curtains or blinds to let maximum natural light flood your space. And, in the evenings, you can light candles to help create a calming, peaceful mood.
Make a sensory box
Put together a calming sensory box to keep in your zen zone and take out when you’re in need of comfort. Containing all the calming items you need to unwind all in one easily-accessible place, a sensory box takes away the stress and pressure of having to find a way to relax at the end of the day when you’re already too tired to do so.
Lavender spray, for example, is a great item to include in your box; it can relieve anxiety and aid relaxation. You may also want to include a drawing, painting, crafting, knitting, or sewing kit. Artistic expression provides an enjoyable outlet for stress and built up emotion.
Turning your home into a sanctuary can help introverts recharge and soothe the body, mind, and soul. By creating the perfect feel-good space, you can ensure you always have somewhere to focus on yourself and combat stress.
Thanks for sharing this home idea, one day when I’ve my own home I’ll like to try the idea there.