How To Deal With INFJ Public Humiliation

How To Deal With INFJ Public Humiliation

Few situations cause more fear to INFJs than being humiliated in public. We can handle sacrificing our own wellbeing for the sake of others, or even face the daily pressure of being called unworthy, but public humiliation is like the edge of a cliff for us. We sense...
WHY AM I STILL SINGLE? (Introvert Dating Advice)

WHY AM I STILL SINGLE? (Introvert Dating Advice)

Why am I still single? Is it because I’m weird? Is it because I’m an introvert? Is it because there’s something secretly, horribly wrong with me? In today’s vlog, I give honest answers about why I’m still just a ‘me’ instead of a ‘we’. If you’ve ever...
Making Friends as an Introvert 

Making Friends as an Introvert 

If you’ve ever tried making friends as an introvert, you might have found it challenging. Making friends as an adult introvert can feel next to impossible. There is good reason for this. Gone are the days when you could plop yourself down next to a random kid in the...
The INFJ Dark Side

The INFJ Dark Side

I’m an eternal optimist and a fierce defender of everything the INFJ personality represents. As a professional coach focused on INFJs, it’s my job and calling to see that hidden potential you have, and to show you how to let it out without guilt. But the term “INFJ...