3 Sneaky Signs of INFJ Winter Blues

3 Sneaky Signs of INFJ Winter Blues

If you’re a highly sensitive, empath INFJ like me, then you know how deeply winter affects our emotions and mood. For us, it’s not just about the season shift. For an INFJ winter feels like a sudden plunge from autumn peace, to winter struggle. Many INFJs love the...
7 Reasons INFJs Can’t Let Go After Heartbreak

7 Reasons INFJs Can’t Let Go After Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the most painful emotions anyone will ever face. But INFJ heartbreak is something far worse. A huge majority of INFJs are highly sensitive and empaths. When an INFJ goes through heartbreak, we feel as if somebody took our heart out of our chest,...
8 Ways to Make Friends as an Introverted Traveler

8 Ways to Make Friends as an Introverted Traveler

Meeting friends as an introverted traveler can feel daunting. Not only might we feel awkward making the first move, but introverts also have unique needs when it comes to social interaction. But it’s easier than you think to meet people. You just need to set the stage...


People say a lot of annoying things to introverts. Most of the time, we just silently swallow the insults and patronizing comments. We pretend that it doesn’t bother us. But the truth is that it gets really frustrating to hear these kinds of comments on repeat. Since...