Why INFJs Are Called The Protectors

Why INFJs Are Called The Protectors

Have you ever wondered why INFJs are called protectors? Our personality cares a lot, but it’s more than that. All INFJs are fierce protectors, and we will do everything we can to safeguard those who matter to us. INFJ, the humble protector It’s a known fact that INFJs...
Dealing With INFJ Self-Criticism

Dealing With INFJ Self-Criticism

I am my own worst critic. My inner INFJ self-criticism levels are so high that everything I do goes through a detailed analysis of “was it good enough?”. Of course, I don’t relish the prospect of having to constantly question my own actions and words. But my...

INFJ: I love my solitude, but I love my friends more

I love my friends. Being an independent INFJ, I was always scared of using the L word. However, when it comes to my few close friendships, that fear is replaced by gratitude. That doesn’t mean I don’t like my solitude. But I’ve found that I can’t do everything...
Why Anxiety Is so Devastating for INFJs

Why Anxiety Is so Devastating for INFJs

Have you ever wondered why so many INFJs have anxiety? Or why it’s such a taboo topic, especially among introverts? Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people have anxiety. But when you consider the fact that there’s only around 1.2% of INFJs worldwide, you might think: Are...
Are You in INFJ Survival Mode?

Are You in INFJ Survival Mode?

I’ve struggled a lot, wondering if I should even write this article. I coach and talk with dozens of INFJs on a weekly basis, and I get the amazing chance to make their path a little bit easier. But I’m not immune to emotions and feelings that a lot of you can relate...
4 Ways INFJs Can Move On From Toxic Friendships

4 Ways INFJs Can Move On From Toxic Friendships

All INFJs have had a toxic friendship at some point in their life. It’s kinda like an unwritten rule that we must go through this unpleasant experience to find the people who will accept us just as we accept them. But for INFJs who are also HSP empaths, toxic...