Dealing With Conflict as an Introvert: 7 Ways to Communicate Without Drama
Are you an introvert who hates conflict? There are a lot of us. Just like talking on the phone, hating conflict is a common characteristic of card-carrying introverts. I’m no different. Like many introverts, I hate the idea of rocking the boat. I prefer to avoid...
Too Busy to Date? How to Find the Time and Energy
The other day, a Facebook friend of mine posted about his Costco date with his wife. “Noting beats Costco pizza on date night!” #busyparents His post brought to light an epidemic that our society as been struggling with since long before COVID: busyness....
Little Ways to Create Chemistry on a Date as an Introvert
Introverts can find it hard to truly connect on a date. Here are 5 ways to create chemistry.

The Perfect Dating App For Introverts
So Syncd is a new dating app that creates matches based on personality type and it’s perfect for introverts. This is good news for the many introverts who are exhausted and fed up with traditional online dating. As an introvert myself, I know how it feels to...
How to Be Vulnerable As An Introvert
It can be hared to open up and be vulnerable as an introvert, especially when your instinct is to put up a wall.