by Marko | May 17, 2017 |
If there’s one thing INFJs don’t like, it’s conflict. Our personality is peaceful by nature, and everything that even resembles conflict we avoid by default. INFJs are diplomats with a kind and understanding heart. We believe that every situation can be resolved...
by Michaela | May 4, 2017 |
If you’re an empath, you are all too familiar with overwhelm and burnout. But did you know that you are also particularly susceptible to something called “empath compassion fatigue”? It turns out that for empaths, who literally feel the emotions and energy...
by Marko | Feb 20, 2017 |
Loneliness is the biggest obstacle slowing down INFJs on the road to happiness. Overcoming INFJ loneliness is not easy. No other feeling causes so much anxiety and sadness. What separates loneliness from other roadblocks on the INFJ path is that it can show its face...
by INFJash | Feb 12, 2017 |
If you are an INFJ, you likely find yourself living a life of assessing and reassessing. You constantly reach for more or better, trying to be the best you can be! And you never escape that nagging feeling that you just need to improve yourself a little bit more....
by Marko | Jul 24, 2016 |
How many times have you heard this annoying, and utterly frustrating question: Why are you so quiet? Honestly, I stopped counting after a thousand. Every INFJ has heard this tiresome question many times in her/his life. It goes without saying that it makes us...