4 Key Reasons Why INFJs are Perfectionists

4 Key Reasons Why INFJs are Perfectionists

All INFJs are perfectionists. Like a persistent shadow, perfectionism makes the INFJ personality feel as if we always have to create an incredible result in everything we do. This isn’t necessarily bad, but combine INFJ perfectionism with our need to make a difference...

INFJ: I love my solitude, but I love my friends more

I love my friends. Being an independent INFJ, I was always scared of using the L word. However, when it comes to my few close friendships, that fear is replaced by gratitude. That doesn’t mean I don’t like my solitude. But I’ve found that I can’t do everything...
INFJ Savior Syndrome Explained

INFJ Savior Syndrome Explained

We want to save everyone. Scratch that, INFJs want to save the world. I really don’t exaggerate when I say this. People call us many names, starting from counselors, protectors, and diplomats. The truth is, INFJs are something more. We have what I call a Savior...
The INFJ Guilt Spiral: 3 Ways to Regain Confidence

The INFJ Guilt Spiral: 3 Ways to Regain Confidence

INFJs feel guilty all the time. No matter what we say or do, INFJs always feel like we could have done more. It’s an endless cycle of self-doubt combined with perfectionism that creates a messy conundrum. Saying this, I have a confession to make. I feel guilty all the...
INFJ: Empathy Is My Superpower

INFJ: Empathy Is My Superpower

Empathy is often seen as a weakness, even for the INFJ personality. The main reason why is because many believe that feeling and caring too much for others is a waste of time. The modern world constantly screams at us to completely disregard emotions and concern....