4 Friendship Struggles Introverts Will Understand

4 Friendship Struggles Introverts Will Understand

Introverts are loyal people who value quality over quantity in our friendships.Our intuitive, thoughtful, and calm nature is a gift to the few people we allow into our inner circle. That doesn’t mean that our friendships are perfect.Making and maintaining friendships...
Struggles Every Social Introvert Will Understand

Struggles Every Social Introvert Will Understand

Are you a social introvert? Maybe you enjoy going to parties, but you get tired midway through and fantasize about your bed and a good book. Or, perhaps, you have terrific social skills in certain contexts, like at a dinner party with friends and acquaintances, but...
6 Ways Introverts Can Make Friends in College

6 Ways Introverts Can Make Friends in College

It’s not always easy to make friends in college, especially when you’re introverted like me. You need time alone to recharge, but instead you face crowded lecture and dining halls, strangers for roommates, and a constant onslaught of social pressures. And it...
How to Make Friends You Actually Like as an Introvert

How to Make Friends You Actually Like as an Introvert

Making friends as an introvert can be complicated. On the one hand, we sincerely do want to connect with people. On the other hand, we get really frustrated with all the obstacles standing in the way of true friendship. We want the kind of friends you have when you’re...