Being an introvert and having a passion for writing is a formidable combination. If you know how to hone your craft, you can achieve great things with the written word. There is also the added perk of spending plenty of time in solitude.
We introverts are known for loving a quiet lifestyle with less overwhelming stimuli, and no noisy office. We relish spending the day alone with our thoughts and ideas. It’s a pleasure to skillfully string words together to make irresistible content. That’s why if you’re an introvert, there are several reasons why being a ghostwriter bachelorabeit is the ideal job for you. This article outlines and discusses seven of these reasons.
- We Love to Write
We talk less and write more; that is the life of an introvert. We are naturally analytical because we spend most of our time in our heads, processing thoughts in writing better than speaking. That’s not to say we’re not good with speaking, as that’s another reason we’re the beste ghostwriting agentur. However, give us paper and a pen (or laptop), with some peace and quiet, and we would have a whole page ready in minutes.
What an introvert lacks in speaking, we more than make up for in writing. Our introverted brain makes us fluent with the written word and slower with the spoken word.
- We Love the Freedom and Solitude that Come with Ghostwriting
Ghostwriting jobs come with a freedom that introverts love: the freedom to work from home, or from anywhere. We introverts love our space. We call it our comfort zone. We can be alone and not be lonely because solitude is our happy place. We thrive in it.
What better job would give us the solitude and freedom to work in our comfort zone than ghostwriting? Writing demands the ability to detangle from distractions and the world, connecting with the stillness within and creating something magical.
- Introverts Are Thinkers
Introverts are typically lost in a world no one can reach unless we give them rare access to our minds. Our quietness is because we are carefully studying people’s voices, characters, and subtle body language that an extrovert will easily miss.
Due to our unique observation skills, we are able to stretch our imaginations to reach robust creative wells. It is from these wells that we draw our inspiration as writers, which makes us excellent wordsmiths.
- Introverts Don’t Care for Applause
Ghostwriting, whether as a freelancer or working with professional ghostwriting services, means you give up your right to be recognized. That’s okay because most introverts don’t care anyway. We think public acknowledgement is great, but we don’t need it. We would rather shine in secret than in a crowded place where people will make a fuss over us.
We are our own motivators, which means we find joy in what we love to do–in this case, writing. When you do what you love to do, you don’t need validation from anyone, and that makes things easier. When ghostwriting, introverts generally don’t care that there is no byline or photo.
- Introverts are Deep Feelers
Due to our habit of processing hurts, emotions, and experiences inwardly and deliberately, introverts are able to feel things deeply. That’s why we’re highly skilled storytellers. We have a vast wellspring of emotional depth from which we draw inspiration.
We can easily imagine all the messy, complex feelings captured in a scene in our narratives. We also know just how to put the words together to make our readers feel what we feel.
- We Can Say No and Not Feel Guilty About It
Introverts tend to have stronger willpower, giving us the ability to say no to offers we don’t want. For example, if the ghostwriting job salary does not work for us or the writing project is not something we want to work on, we can turn them down.
We can even avoid the people we would rather not work with. We understand that accepting that job means executing it to the satisfaction of the client and we would not want anything that jeopardizes our peace.
- No Overwhelming Meetings
Ghostwriting jobs online offer many opportunities to introverts, including the avoidance of small talk. When we’re working online and away from the office, we don’t have to listen to cooler chit chat.
We don’t have to politely nod our heads and pretend to be interested when what we really want is some quietness. Ghostwriting is the ideal job for introverts because there are no awkward lunches, office politics, and getting drained by people all day.
As introverts, we don’t care for the limelight. Our extroverted friends can have it. We prefer our space, some peace and quiet, and a low-key environment where we tend to operate better. So, if you’re an introvert and have a love for writing, it’s time to begin your ghostwriting journey to becoming one of the best out there.