by Michaela | Apr 20, 2021 |
I’ll be honest, the past week has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. My city went into another strict lockdown and I’ve been cut off from many of the things that give me validation. As a fellow introvert, you probably know that, as much as we like...
by Michaela | Dec 28, 2020 |
The week between Christmas and New Year’s can be brutal for introvert overachievers, especially in 2020.
by Michaela | Sep 8, 2020 |
Introvert self-sabotage can be a real struggle. Here are 6 sneaky signs of self-sabotage plus some tips to break the cycle.
by Michaela | Aug 12, 2020 |
Introverts are loyal people who value quality over quantity in our friendships.Our intuitive, thoughtful, and calm nature is a gift to the few people we allow into our inner circle. That doesn’t mean that our friendships are perfect.Making and maintaining friendships...
by Michaela | Jul 6, 2020 |
Anyone can struggle with procrastination, but for the INFP personality, it can be an especially tough habit to break. I should know. I am an INFP who has been self-employed for seven years. That is seven years of engaging in a daily battle with my own willpower....