by Michaela | Apr 29, 2016 |
A lot of people will never understand what it feels like to be an introvert. They have some ideas about what it feels like, but they won’t truly get it. Maybe they think being an introvert feels like sadness, loneliness or fear. They think introversion is the same as...
by Michaela | Aug 4, 2014 |
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by Michaela | May 30, 2014 |
An introvert infographic explaining the introvert definition, introvert myths, as well as introvert strengths, truths and traits. 🙂...
by Michaela | May 16, 2014 |
There are many things that extroverts have a difficult time understanding about introverts. But there is one aspect of our personality that they find especially perplexing. The thing about introverts that a lot of extroverts will never understand is that our...
by Michaela | Feb 26, 2014 |
Many introverts have received the message that they need to change. We’ve been told that introversion is not the norm. It’s strange to be quiet. It’s weird to want to stay home alone on a Saturday night. And it’s downright unimaginable that we could like people and...