5 Confident Body Language Tricks for Introverts
If you're like a lot of introverts, you may not feel entirely confident in social situations. You may have heard of some confident body language tricks, but haven't quite mastered them yet. Instead of looking and feeling confident, you may have closed off body...
5 Tips to Help Introverts Succeed in Your Job Search: Don’t Give Up Too Soon
Looking for a job can be a frustrating and difficult process, especially as an introvert. Like many introverts, preparation is important to you. You have everything ready to impress a potential employer. You have an amazing college transcript you created with a free...
How Introverts Can Get Into Shape
If you find yourself constantly feeling drained or tired after a social event, or you just prefer fewer social situations by default, then you may be an introvert. The good news is, you're not the only one, and you might actually know more introverts in your daily...
Dating in Your 50s as a Man: What You Need to Know
Dating in your 50s as a man can be challenging. It may be a while since you dusted off your dress shoes and took a woman out on a date. As you might have noticed, the dating world has changed A LOT in the last few years. And it isn't stopping anytime soon. So, as a...
How to Approach Women as an Introverted Man
A lot of introverted men wonder how to approach women. As a quiet and thoughtful introverted man, you might think you're just not that good at talking to women you don't know. Maybe you have approach anxiety. When you see an attractive woman, the very thought of...
How to Be More Social (If You Hate Parties)
I love summer, but it can get exhausting. Where I live the weather is rainy all winter so when the sun is out there's a lot of pressure to get out there and seize the day. The problem is that as an introvert I can only do so much seizing. Maybe you can relate... Even...
The Stages of Dating Every Couple Experiences: The Ultimate Introvert Guide
Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, every couple goes through certain stages in the dating experience. At each stage, they can make a decision to end the relationship or to proceed. Not every couple takes the same amount of time to go through the different...
How To Discuss Health Issues With An Introvert Partner
Communication can be a challenge for many introverts who tend to overthink serious conversations. We want to avoid conflict and this may cause some misunderstandings with others. It's not that we don’t want to communicate, but we want to do it on our terms. If you...
How to Improve Social Skills as an Introvert
There's no need for quiet types to be shy – you can learn how to improve social skills as an introvert! While it may take a little more effort for us to break out of our shell, the good news is that once we do, we often make the best friends. Here is our introvert...
How to Deal With Texting Anxiety
Does texting make you feel anxious? There are a lot of reasons why you might experience texting anxiety. Whether you're stressed about responding to countless messages, or you're sweating about delayed responses from a lover...the anxiety you're experiencing is...