Over 12% of adults in the U.S experience social anxiety at some point in their lives. The disorder involves an intense fear of being constantly watched and judged by others, feeling nervous during conversations or believing that people are laughing at you. 

Risk factors include family history, negative experiences or trauma, and new social demands. There are, however, multiple ways in which you can overcome this fear. Below are just a few mobile phone applications that will assist you on this journey.

Thought Challenger Apps

If you have social anxiety and you have sought professional help, then you may be familiar with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)—a therapy that encourages you to reframe negative thoughts and replace destructive behaviors with more positive ones. 

There are a myriad of CBT-based apps that can help quell the thoughts that can arise when you are feeling socially anxious. These include Woebot—an app that chats with you and asks you questions, guiding you through various thought challenger exercises. 

The robot enjoys making jokes, which lightens the experience. Another app to try is Worry Watch, which helps you capture negative thoughts and reflect on them later, so you can reframe these thoughts using the available evidence.

Delivery Apps

The process of travelling can be costly and time-consuming. Taking public transport can be a nightmare, since it can involve long waiting times for one’s vehicle to arrive, and it can involve proximity to other passengers. If you do not feel comfortable being cramped up in crowded buses and subways, mobile apps are the perfect way for you to get around. 

Two of the most popular rideshare apps are Uber and Lyft. These apps invite users to rate their drivers, which encourages drivers to be friendly and polite. The rating system has an added benefit—it encourages drivers to avoid dangerous behaviors that can lead to accidents. As stated by these Uber Accident Attorneys state, some of the most problematic actions on the road include speeding, distracted driving, and road rage. 

Meditation and Relaxation Apps

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing one’s attention on the present moment. This activity offers various physical and mental benefits, including reduced anxiety, depression, and blood pressure; and better quality sleep. Two of the most popular mindfulness apps are Calm and Headspace. 

They offer a vast quantity of meditation activities for individuals as well as larger groups. Certain courses focus on particular issues, such as anxiety, patience, self-esteem, and grief. They additionally track your mood and progress, and have handy activities for kids. 

Another app, Healthy Minds Program, is a free alternative to these apps. It mainly targets awareness, connection, and stress relief. Upon installation, you are prompted to take a survey that to create a dedicated profile that serves as a basis for you to improve on.

Feeling anxious and fearful around others is rather common, with millions of American adults having experienced it throughout their lives. The good news is that social anxiety doesn’t have to be permanent. 

There are a plethora of mobile apps that can help you quell your stress and foster more useful thought processes. Just a few app categories to look out for include mindfulness, ride-sharing, and CBT apps—all of which can help you see your world through a more positive lens.