by Mike Reiner | Jul 16, 2019 |
A friend of mine recently recovered from a terrible bout of pancreatitis. If you don’t know much about pancreatitis, I’ll spare you the details. Suffice it to say that it can be an incredibly painful, life-threatening condition. Like me, my friend is an introvert, and...
by Michaela | Jun 19, 2019 |
Do you find it hard to love yourself consistently? Self-love is easy when things are going well and you’re fulfilling all the ‘shoulds’ in life. But when the storm clouds come and you’re struggling with overwhelm, failure, and dark moods, self-love...
by Michaela | Jun 10, 2019 |
There are a lot of ways that introverts might sabotage our own happiness. Why would we do this? Well, at the root of the problem is a lack of self-love. When we don’t love ourselves, we start to treat ourselves as the enemy. What do you do, or want to do to...
by Michaela | Jun 10, 2019 |
Are you one of the many innies who never quite feels good enough? Perhaps, you try to earn love through constant striving and perfectionism? Maybe there’s a little voice inside you that says you’ll never be smart, successful, pretty, or outgoing enough to...
by Michaela | Jun 10, 2019 |
How are you feeling today? I’m writing this on a Saturday, which is often the day of the week when introverts are in recovery mode. It can be a time of sweet relief, but it can also have its downsides. Sometimes unwelcome thoughts creep in. We think about how...
by Michaela | Jun 4, 2019 |
Are you an introvert who hates attention? When people ask you about your preferences, are you often at a loss? Do you avoid “burdening” others with your problems at all costs? You might be an echoist. Echoism is not the same as introversion, but many sensitive...