by Michaela | Dec 23, 2018 |
Oh, HELL NO! That’s what I feel like saying a lot during this time of year. But somehow I always get sucked into the madness. I do things that leave me frazzled and overwhelmed. But as a fellow introvert, I think you’ll understand that it’s not entirely my fault. You...
by Michaela | Dec 22, 2018 |
I’m writing to you from bed today. Mainly because it’s the weekend and because I can. I’m sharing another strange little introvertism I hope you’ll be able to relate to. It has to do with going out to eat or run errands. Allow me to explain with a quick...
by Marko | Dec 21, 2018 |
If you’re an HSP, empath INFJ like me, then you know how overwhelming winter can be. Sure, it has certain charms. But combine the pressure of socializing, constant cold, and depressing weather, and it’s no wonder this is a time of year many of us want to fast-forward...
by Guest Author | Dec 20, 2018 |
Dating as an introvert has its own unique challenges. You have different needs than extroverts, and nowhere is this more obvious than when it comes to romance and dating. As an introvert, you function best in intimate environments, as a lack of solitude can drain you....
by Michaela | Dec 19, 2018 |
Have you ever bumped into someone you know at the worst possible time? For introverts, this scenario can be pretty awkward. The thing is, we introverts like to mentally prepare before socializing. We’re not always ‘on’, as many extroverts tend to be. If we’re not...
by Michaela | Dec 19, 2018 |
I hear from a lot of introvert readers who say that they struggle to allow in love. I’m not just talking about romantic love. Many introverts find it hard to let any kind of love in, even from friends and family. After all, when introverts are stressed or feeling down...