by Mike Reiner | Sep 18, 2018 |
In today’s world of modern technology and fancy gadgets, it’s an interesting time to be an introvert. The way we communicate and spend time has changed significantly, thanks to the internet, smartphones, and social media. While introverts tend to be introspective and...
by Jenn Granneman | Sep 17, 2018 |
I grew up in a neighborhood with a lot of other kids my age. Even though I was an introvert, I knew everyone on my block — and I never thought about “what” to talk about. We all knew what everybody else was up to, what games we all liked to play, and who had gotten...
by Michaela | Sep 11, 2018 |
Are you an INFP like me? If so, you know what it’s like to embody a galaxy of confusing contradictions. INFPs feel emotions deeply, yet we may seem stoic and unemotional on the outside. We are dreamers, always seeing an endless sky of possibilities. We also have the...
by Michaela | Sep 10, 2018 |
Do people ever ask you this annoying question: Why are you so serious? You’re not the only one! After “why are you so quiet?” this is probably the question we introverts get asked the most. A lot of the time, people are just misinterpreting our resting b*tch face....
by Michaela | Sep 5, 2018 |
Introverts are unassuming observers who understand deeply, but rarely feel understood. This is annoying, to say the least. It sucks to feel like the puzzle no one will ever solve. Most people don’t even bother trying. But there is hope. Over the past few years,...