by Michaela | Jul 9, 2018 |
I’m a highly sensitive person. That means that I am sensitive to stimuli, particularly emotions, loud noises, smells, and busy environments. Nowadays, I know that my sensitivity comes with many advantages, but it wasn’t always this way. Before I knew that I am a...
by Michaela | Jul 3, 2018 |
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed while socializing that you just wanted to run and hide? A lot of introverts struggle with social overwhelm, especially during this time of year when there is so much going on. Trust me when I say that I am painfully familiar with this...
by Guest Author | Jun 28, 2018 |
One aspect of being an introvert that often gives rise to feelings of stress is the thought of networking with other people, especially in a business context. And I’m speaking from personal experience. In my job, a lot of day-to-day activity is dependent on my...
by Melissa Renzi | Jun 28, 2018 |
Do you overthink decisions? Highly sensitive people have a tendency to overthink in a way not everyone understands. Overthinking can make us anxious and self-critical when we feel like we just can’t turn it off. That’s how I’ve felt most of my life. I can’t tell you...
by Guest Author | Jun 27, 2018 |
Of all the social situations an introvert faces, surely one of the most daunting of all is dating. This is an issue I am addressing from first-hand experience. As a single male I often found myself being dragged into noisy bars by friends, most of whom relished the...