How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed while socializing that you just wanted to run and hide? A lot of introverts struggle with social overwhelm, especially during this time of year when there is so much going on. Trust me when I say that I am painfully familiar with this...
Why Anxiety Is so Devastating for INFJs

Why Anxiety Is so Devastating for INFJs

Have you ever wondered why so many INFJs have anxiety? Or why it’s such a taboo topic, especially among introverts? Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people have anxiety. But when you consider the fact that there’s only around 1.2% of INFJs worldwide, you might think: Are...
Why Highly Sensitive People Overthink So Much

Why Highly Sensitive People Overthink So Much

Do you overthink decisions? Highly sensitive people have a tendency to overthink in a way not everyone understands. Overthinking can make us anxious and self-critical when we feel like we just can’t turn it off. That’s how I’ve felt most of my life. I can’t tell you...
Why Online Dating is Tailor-Made for the Introvert

Why Online Dating is Tailor-Made for the Introvert

Of all the social situations an introvert faces, surely one of the most daunting of all is dating. This is an issue I am addressing from first-hand experience. As a single male I often found myself being dragged into noisy bars by friends, most of whom relished the...