by Marko | May 24, 2018 |
All INFJs have had a toxic friendship at some point in their life. It’s kinda like an unwritten rule that we must go through this unpleasant experience to find the people who will accept us just as we accept them. But for INFJs who are also HSP empaths, toxic...
by Michaela | May 23, 2018 |
Have you ever noticed that introverts are like cats? I’ve talked about the similarities before, but I’ve found even more parallels, which are summarized in the below comic, illustrated by my nephew Brandon Chung. A love for cat naps Both introverts and cats love to...
by Michaela | May 22, 2018 |
I think every introvert has had this painful experience. You find yourself in a social situation where you feel totally out of your element. Maybe you’re in a noisy bar with people who are only interested in shallow drunken conversations. Or, perhaps, you feel like...
by Marko | May 10, 2018 |
It’s not easy to find a genuine friend. Furthermore, it’s almost impossible to have an INFJ as a friend. Just think about how rare we are, and add the fact that most of us only see each other online. I love comparing meeting an INFJ in person with winning the lottery...
by Michaela | May 9, 2018 |
I’m an introvert and a millennial. Those two labels come with a lot of baggage. People love to poke fun at millennials for our supposedly sheltered childhoods and entitled nature. Introverts get just as much flak. By far the most pervasive and annoying stereotype that...
by Michaela | May 8, 2018 |
Are you a social introvert? Maybe you enjoy going to parties, but you get tired midway through and fantasize about your bed and a good book. Or, perhaps, you have terrific social skills in certain contexts, like at a dinner party with friends and acquaintances, but...