Why INFJs Are Drawn to Sadness

Why INFJs Are Drawn to Sadness

Every INFJ knows how painful sadness can be. It’s an emotion we never want to experience, but it’s our faithful companion, regardless. INFJ sadness makes every other feeling look insignificant, because it’s devastating for a highly sensitive and empathic personality...
Do Men Like Quiet Women?

Do Men Like Quiet Women?

If you’re an introverted woman like me, you may have felt like you were too quiet to be attractive. You saw bubbly, flirty girls get the guy in school, while you felt awkward and frozen in place with the men you liked. To this day, you might feel like you put up an...
6 Ways Introverted Women Can Exude Confidence

6 Ways Introverted Women Can Exude Confidence

Being an introverted woman in an extrovert’s world isn’t always easy. People often expect women to be talkative and outgoing. As a quiet woman, you might feel like you are destined to live the life of a wallflower, always feeling underestimated and overlooked. But...
How to quiet the nasty voice in your head

How to quiet the nasty voice in your head

Introverts have an active mind that won’t quit. At the best of times, thinking is a pleasant hobby that keeps us entertained. Unfortunately, our little hobby can transform into something ugly and painful pretty quickly. Can you relate to this? Maybe you can relate to...
6 Ways Introverts Can Make Friends in College

6 Ways Introverts Can Make Friends in College

It’s not always easy to make friends in college, especially when you’re introverted like me. You need time alone to recharge, but instead you face crowded lecture and dining halls, strangers for roommates, and a constant onslaught of social pressures. And it...