Introvert Love – Let’s Be Single Together

Introvert Love – Let’s Be Single Together

For many introverts, the idea of being in a serious relationship stirs feelings of mild anxiety. For others – pure terror. Since introverts need alone time like we need air – or wifi – the thought of “two becoming one” tickles our gag...
Introvert: When your mind turns against you

Introvert: When your mind turns against you

Let’s talk about a situation that makes a lot of introverts hate themselves. This particular scenario used to happen to me a lot when I was around extroverts. It can happen anywhere, but let’s just say you’re are at a bar: You go in feeling pretty good about...
6 Advantages of being an INFJ

6 Advantages of being an INFJ

As INFJs, we are constantly mistaken for being shy, too silent, too prone to being alone. People often ask us if we are depressed, or upset with them. In short, they make all sorts of unflattering judgments. I myself have faced this in many different situations, being...
Introvert – I’m somewhere, but not here

Introvert – I’m somewhere, but not here

“She’s never where she is … she’s only inside her head.” Janet Fitch We introverts love to wander. Our favorite destination for our quiet explorations is our imagination. No matter where we are, we feel called away by our own thoughts. The words of Anaïs Nin come to...
The PERFECT Way For Introverts To Spend New Year’s Eve

The PERFECT Way For Introverts To Spend New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is not a day I look forward to. For good reason. I’ve had some pretty terrible ones. I’ve noticed that the more I try to make it Awesome!! Epic!! or anything else that ends in an explanation point, the worse it is. New Year’s Eve truly is an extrovert’s...
31 Ways To Own Your Introversion (On My 31st Birthday!)

31 Ways To Own Your Introversion (On My 31st Birthday!)

I do this really annoying thing whenever someone asks me how old I am. I say, “I’m ageless”. It’s my cheeky way of avoiding the question. It has nothing to do with what they think of me, and everything to do with how I think of myself. I want to forget my age, and all...