Why Introverts are Better With Money

Why Introverts are Better With Money

Introverts focus a lot on how we can get along in an extroverted world. A lot of the time, when we do this, we talk about introversion as if it is somehow less than extroversion or as if it is a shortcoming. It isn’t! There are many advantages to being an introvert....
Are introverts smarter than extroverts?

Are introverts smarter than extroverts?

I talk a lot about the fact that introverts are reflective, introspective and creative. There is no denying that introverts have beautiful minds. But the question is, are introverts smarter than extroverts? To answer that, we must first address the fact that...
Introvert – When your family makes you mental

Introvert – When your family makes you mental

Have you ever had an extroverted family member who really didn’t get your introversion? This might have made family events uncomfortable, the holidays pure torture. Maybe you’ve thought that life would be less complicated if you were born into a family of...
8 Reasons To Be Thankful You’re An Introvert

8 Reasons To Be Thankful You’re An Introvert

One of the greatest kept secrets of the past century is how awesome introverts are. Thankfully, that is all starting to change. People are beginning to recognize that introversion is not an affliction that needs to be cured. There are many advantages to being a...
5 Biggest Pet Peeves Of An Introvert

5 Biggest Pet Peeves Of An Introvert

Introverts are annoyed by a lot of the things that extroverts get all giddy about. This can lead others to believe that we are “party poopers” who are hard to please. Really, we just feel bent out of shape from trying to conform to the extrovert ideal all the time. So...
What Is An INFJ Infographic

What Is An INFJ Infographic

What is an INFJ? Out of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, INFJ type is most rare. These unique snowflakes of the personality spectrum make up less than 1% of the population. This leads many INFJs to feel misunderstood. Common INFJ traits: Feel the need to make a...