My imagination feels like a real person to me. When I’m alone, she keeps me company. We have lots of fun together, me and my Imagination.

With today’s post, I’d like to take you on a journey through an imaginary world where introverts rule supreme. It’s a short and sweet fairytale that I hope will add a little magic to your day. Enjoy.

If Introverts Ruled The World (A Fairytale)

Long ago, in a land not so far away, there lived a girl named Inis. Inis was six years old and small, and she liked it that way. It was the ideal age to get into tiny spaces adults were too large to pass through. It was the perfect age to be invisible.

Inis could curl up in corners and read for hours. Or frolic through her backyard – which was really an enchanted forrest, or a secret fairy garden, or a majestic ice kingdom, depending on how she felt that day. The imaginary kingdoms Inis created all had a few things in common:

In the Land of Inis Slowdon – whether that was a land of dwarves and dragons, or ice princesses and peasants, or giant wizards as tall as trees – words were carefully chosen, and spoken with care.

Play did not have to be loud or enthusiastic. All the inhabitants in the land understood that the best games were created and played in one’s imagination. You could sit in silence while your mind did the moving.

Under Inis’s rule, conflict was resolved quietly. Arguments were drawn in crayon, or scented markers. This meant that no one ever had to raise their voice. Unless you drew very quickly, you could not draw fast enough to say something you would regret. If you were tempted to lose your temper, you’d simply take a long whiff of grape scented marker and forget all about what had been bothering you.

Exploration was the primary and most well respected occupation of the Land of Inis. Whether your explorations took you through the pages of a thick book, a forrest, or your own infinite imagination, the journey was sacred, the boons priceless. Exploring made the kingdom evermore colorful, real, and true.

In the Land of Inis, two was the perfect number for most activities. Two could go to the movies and easily find seats side-by-side. Two went on trips and did not waste time standing in a mob trying to figure out which museum to go to first. A pair was perfect for skating and skiing and running and jumping. Two-by-two people played squash, and ate double scoops of bubblegum ice cream (but not at the same time because that would make them sick).

Two was trumped only by the number one, which was the happiest number of all. Inis remembered some misguided adult once saying that one was the loneliest number that he ever knew. She never understood his logic.

One meant alone, and alone meant quiet, and quiet meant Imagination, Creation, and Magic. Taking long afternoon naps was also best done alone. Even at six, Inis knew that many a bad decision could be prevented by a midday snooze.

Life moved at a slower pace in the Land of Inis. The people took their time preparing and eating their meals. Reading was done slowly, too. People savoured words as readily as they did the most lovingly prepared dinner. Everyone knew that life was more delicious when enjoyed one small bite at a time.

The castles, hovels, and even the rabbit holes of the Land of Inis all shared one thing in common: They had built-in crevices, corners, and nooks where one could wedge oneself in solitude. The inhabitants understood that when a person went to such a place, they wanted quiet. And quiet they would have. No one interrupted you if you were enjoying a slice of solitude – except, perhaps, to say that dinner was ready, or Santa Claus and his reindeer were on the roof.

Indeed, the Land of Inis was an enchanting place. For now, it only existed inside Inis’s imagination. And that, Inis knew, was okay, because inside her head was her favorite place to be. She would always be ruler of her imaginary worlds. And she would rule well.

