I wish I had more energy to enjoy the special moments — the way the children’s eyes light up, the warmth of family, the comfort of tradition — WITHOUT collapsing beneath the pressures of the holidays.
I wish I could replicate myself and have my clone do all the shopping and planning while I drink (vegan) egg nog and chill with my favorite humans.
I wish everything, and I mean everything, could be delivered to my doorstep, because it’s too damn peopley outside in December.
I wish I could wear pyjamas everywhere.
I wish small talk was illegal.
I wish I had an animal friend to cuddle when all the socializing gets unbearable.
I wish it was socially acceptable to read a book at a party.
I wish I didn’t always feel two steps behind and a million miles away from where I should be.
I wish more people were real and unfiltered.
I wish for more silence and less B.S.
I wish I could erase all my regrets from 2017, but keep the wisdom.
I wish I could be a mime for a while, except without the creepy makeup.
I wish I was as good at sneaking out of parties as Santa is at disappearing up the chimney.
I wish there was an app to become invisible whenever I feel awkward.
I wish my heart and my brain could find a less catastrophic way of communicating.
I wish Facebook and Instagram had more pictures of people looking rundown and disheveled, (like how I look right now) instead of all the photoshopped family Christmas photos.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Michaela, I feel nigh on the same, it’s tempting to go around with a rhinos armoured mindset on, I feel emotionally drained with low energy and feeling vulnerable.
I have come to the conclusion that good self knowledge and good self awareness on being an sensitive introvert helps to keep the seasonal gremlins away.
My favourites have got to be:
I wish small talk was illegal
I wish more people were real and unfiltered
I wish there was an app to becoming invisible whenever I felt awkward
The challenges of being an introvert are never ending. I always always look forward to time alone.
its like you are inside my head