by Michael Alcee Ph.D. | Jul 24, 2018 |
Today’s post is written by clinical psychologist and speaker Michael Alcee, Ph.D. If you’re an introvert, you’ve probably felt anxious or depressed and haven’t known why. You may have even been given these labels by others to help make sense of your experience....
by Michaela | May 9, 2018 |
I’m an introvert and a millennial. Those two labels come with a lot of baggage. People love to poke fun at millennials for our supposedly sheltered childhoods and entitled nature. Introverts get just as much flak. By far the most pervasive and annoying stereotype that...
by Michaela | May 8, 2018 |
Are you a social introvert? Maybe you enjoy going to parties, but you get tired midway through and fantasize about your bed and a good book. Or, perhaps, you have terrific social skills in certain contexts, like at a dinner party with friends and acquaintances, but...
by Michaela | Apr 1, 2018 |
If you’re an introverted woman like me, and you find dating excruciating, you’re not alone. I receive countless emails and comments from introverted women who share the same frustrating challenges when it comes to dating and attraction. You’ll probably be nodding in...
by Michaela | Mar 21, 2018 |
Being an introverted woman in an extrovert’s world isn’t always easy. People often expect women to be talkative and outgoing. As a quiet woman, you might feel like you are destined to live the life of a wallflower, always feeling underestimated and overlooked. But...