Evolution of Introverts at a Holiday Party

Evolution of Introverts at a Holiday Party

What do you think of this introvert comic by Zora Jeong? Maybe you can relate to this picture as an introvert… Before a holiday party, you’re on your phone trying to soak up the last bit of alone time, or contemplating cancelling via text. But in the end...
11 Crazy Relatable Things Introverts Do at Parties

11 Crazy Relatable Things Introverts Do at Parties

Introverts are awesome people who need more alone time to recharge and feel at our best. We can be social, but often feel overwhelmed at parties. Seeing an introvert at a party is like seeing a deer in the city. We may look out of our element, but we’re still pretty...
Free Introvert Party Survival Guide

Free Introvert Party Survival Guide

Introverts aren’t known for being party people. What we are known for is being “party poopers”. We are the ones who leave early, or don’t show up at all. Or we show up ready to mix and mingle, only to find that we run out of social juice within the first half hour....
7 Steps To Survive The Holidays As An Introvert

7 Steps To Survive The Holidays As An Introvert

The holiday season is often more hellish than happy for introverts. We get overwhelmed by the non-stop social events. All the party chit chat leaves us frazzled and cranky.While others nurse headaches from too much egg nog, we spend half the holidays recovering from...