5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

Do you find it hard to love yourself consistently? Self-love is easy when things are going well and you’re fulfilling all the ‘shoulds’ in life. But when the storm clouds come and you’re struggling with overwhelm, failure, and dark moods, self-love...
How to Love Yourself If You Don’t Feel Good Enough

How to Love Yourself If You Don’t Feel Good Enough

Are you one of the many innies who never quite feels good enough? Perhaps, you try to earn love through constant striving and perfectionism?  Maybe there’s a little voice inside you that says you’ll never be smart, successful, pretty, or outgoing enough to...
The Sneakiest Introvert Self-Love Killer

The Sneakiest Introvert Self-Love Killer

How are you feeling today? I’m writing this on a Saturday, which is often the day of the week when introverts are in recovery mode. It can be a time of sweet relief, but it can also have its downsides. Sometimes unwelcome thoughts creep in. We think about how...
How to quiet the nasty voice in your head

How to quiet the nasty voice in your head

Introverts have an active mind that won’t quit. At the best of times, thinking is a pleasant hobby that keeps us entertained. Unfortunately, our little hobby can transform into something ugly and painful pretty quickly. Can you relate to this? Maybe you can relate to...