Why Introverts Fear Making a Good First Impression

Why Introverts Fear Making a Good First Impression

Being an introvert in an extrovert’s world can be very confusing. There are many hidden fears and strange ‘introvertisms’ that even we don’t understand. One that keeps coming up, as I hear from thousands of introverted readers, is the fear of making a good first...
6 Tips to Balance Alone Time And Socializing

6 Tips to Balance Alone Time And Socializing

A lot of introverts struggle to balance alone time and socializing. Maybe you can relate. When you go out, you feel like you should be at home. When you’re at home, you feel like you should be out. ‘Should’ is really the operative word in both these scenarios....
Free Introvert Party Survival Guide

Free Introvert Party Survival Guide

Introverts aren’t known for being party people. What we are known for is being “party poopers”. We are the ones who leave early, or don’t show up at all. Or we show up ready to mix and mingle, only to find that we run out of social juice within the first half hour....