BE A SOCIAL GENIUS! (The Introverted Way)

BE A SOCIAL GENIUS! (The Introverted Way)

It’s a common misconception that introverts have poor social skills. In truth, introverts can be very skilled at socializing. When we have the energy, many of us innies are highly engaging conversationalists. Since introversion is not the same as being shy, introverts...
The Introvert’s Way to Finding Your Purpose

The Introvert’s Way to Finding Your Purpose

In a world where cookie-cutter living is the norm, forging your own path can be a frightening endeavour.  This is true for both introverts and extroverts.  The good news for introverts is that we have a few distinct advantages when it comes to finding our truth path...
Creating a career that optimizes your introversion

Creating a career that optimizes your introversion

Open plan offices, brainstorming sessions, group collaboration…a set-up that works beautifully for extroverts.   Nurturing their need for social interaction and ‘buzzy’ environments, the modern offices of today have become increasingly biased towards extroverts...