by Michaela | Feb 17, 2018 |
Do you ever get sick of hearing advice about how to fix your introversion? Thoughtful introverts really take criticism, or even well-meaning advice, to heart. We tend to overthink our flaws and downplay our amazing strengths. That’s why today’s article is all about...
by Michaela | Dec 15, 2016 |
Dear Innie Friend, I have a confession. There have been many times in my life when I have wished that there was a cure for my introversion. I wanted to be able to surround myself with people all the time, without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I was seduced by the...
by Michaela | Oct 24, 2016 |
Dear introvert, I see that you’re hurting. And I think I know why. Like so many of us quiet, sensitive souls, you feel broken. You see yourself as that beat-up old stuffed teddy bear with a missing eye, and limp limbs. You aren’t puffed up and outgoing like the other...
by Michaela | Dec 19, 2015 |
This is the time of year when gift-giving is at the top of everyone’s mind. Luckily for us innies, we already have several introvert gifts. And I don’t mean the kind you buy at the store. Modest introverts might never admit it, but our innate strengths are a...
by Michaela | Nov 26, 2015 |
One of the greatest kept secrets of the past century is how awesome introverts are. Thankfully, that is all starting to change. People are beginning to recognize that introversion is not an affliction that needs to be cured. There are many advantages to being a...