Before we knew we were introverts

There are countless reasons why knowing you are an introvert can change your outlook on life. It can make you feel more confident, more at peace with yourself and less alone.  It can put an end to constant guilt. Recognizing and understanding your own introversion...

Why introverts get supporting roles

Being an introvert is not synonymous with being a wallflower.  Despite what Hollywood might tell you, introverts can be heroes.  We can be leading ladies and knights in shining armor.  We don’t always have to play the part of “supporting character”, “best friend”, or...
How introverts react to extrovert bullying

How introverts react to extrovert bullying

“[A]t school you might have been prodded to come “out of your shell”—that noxious expression which fails to appreciate that some animals naturally carry shelter everywhere they go, and that some humans are just the same.” ~Susan Cain      The Protective Shell Like...