The Introverted Personality & Loneliness

The Introverted Personality & Loneliness

Those with an introverted personality are not immune to the sharp sting of loneliness. When I spend too much time alone, I become cranky, irritable, and sad. But it’s more than that. Like many introverts, I am a thinker. Too many days all by my lonesome leads to...
Are you an introverted seeker?

Are you an introverted seeker?

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken A seeker is someone who chooses the path of self discovery and constant growth in life. For introverts, the seeker’s...

15 Signs it’s time to leave the house

We introverts relish our alone time, but we don’t like to be alone all the time.  There comes a point when we need to bust out of the house and do some mixin’ n minglin’.  So, how can we be sure that it’s time to venture out from our castle? Read on to discover 15...