Are You in INFJ Survival Mode?

Are You in INFJ Survival Mode?

I’ve struggled a lot, wondering if I should even write this article. I coach and talk with dozens of INFJs on a weekly basis, and I get the amazing chance to make their path a little bit easier. But I’m not immune to emotions and feelings that a lot of you can relate...
4 Ways INFJs Can Move On From Toxic Friendships

4 Ways INFJs Can Move On From Toxic Friendships

All INFJs have had a toxic friendship at some point in their life. It’s kinda like an unwritten rule that we must go through this unpleasant experience to find the people who will accept us just as we accept them. But for INFJs who are also HSP empaths, toxic...
Why INFJ-INFJ Friendships Are So Special

Why INFJ-INFJ Friendships Are So Special

It’s not easy to find a genuine friend. Furthermore, it’s almost impossible to have an INFJ as a friend. Just think about how rare we are, and add the fact that most of us only see each other online. I love comparing meeting an INFJ in person with winning the lottery...
INFJ Savior Syndrome Explained

INFJ Savior Syndrome Explained

We want to save everyone. Scratch that, INFJs want to save the world. I really don’t exaggerate when I say this. People call us many names, starting from counselors, protectors, and diplomats. The truth is, INFJs are something more. We have what I call a Savior...
Why INFJs Are Drawn to Sadness

Why INFJs Are Drawn to Sadness

Every INFJ knows how painful sadness can be. It’s an emotion we never want to experience, but it’s our faithful companion, regardless. INFJ sadness makes every other feeling look insignificant, because it’s devastating for a highly sensitive and empathic personality...