3 Struggles of the INFJ Idealist

3 Struggles of the INFJ Idealist

Most INFJs have an idealistic view on the world. Not only do we notice everything, but we also see it through the eyes of an idealist. However, this is not an advantage all the time. In some instances, it can be a huge struggle for INFJs to perceive the world as we...

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An Introvert’s Take On Communal Sporting Events

An Introvert’s Take On Communal Sporting Events

As you’re likely aware even if you want nothing to do with sports, there are certain sporting events now and then that seem to capture the attention of the whole world - or at least most of it. Major championships, or tournaments involving international competition,...

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Why INFJs Are Worst-Case Scenario Experts

Why INFJs Are Worst-Case Scenario Experts

INFJs are worst-case scenario experts. For our personality type, every situation is viewed through at least ten angles and lenses. Unfortunately, most of these views don’t have happy endings in our eyes. It can be incredibly draining to start doing something as an...

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Why INFJs Can’t Let Go

Why INFJs Can’t Let Go

For INFJs, our past is often a difficult thing to let go of. I should know. I’m writing to you today from sunny Europe. I’m currently in Serbia visiting my family, the very place of my past I wanted to escape so badly. INFJs don’t run from our past per say. The main...

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